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- Порода: Английский мастиф
- Самец/Самка: Самец, Самка
- Возраст: 0 Месяцев 26 дн.
have a male and female Maltipoo puppies to offer.they are well trained and very sociable. They have been vet checked, dewrmed and current on their shots. They will make a very good family addition and will fill your f
Украина, Chornobyl
Подробнее- Порода: Английский мастиф
- Самец/Самка: Самец, Самка
- Возраст: 0 Месяцев 26 дн.
have a male and female Maltipoo puppies to offer.they are well trained and very sociable. They have been vet checked, dewrmed and current on their shots. They will make a very good family addition and will fill your f
Украина, Chornobyl
Подробнее- Порода: Английский мастиф
- Самец/Самка: Самец, Самка
- Возраст: 0 Месяцев 26 дн.
have a male and female Maltipoo puppies to offer.they are well trained and very sociable. They have been vet checked, dewrmed and current on their shots. They will make a very good family addition and will fill your f
Украина, Chornobyl
Подробнее- Порода: Английский мастиф
- Самец/Самка: Самец, Самка
- Возраст: 0 Месяцев 26 дн.
have a male and female Maltipoo puppies to offer.they are well trained and very sociable. They have been vet checked, dewrmed and current on their shots. They will make a very good family addition and will fill your f
Украина, Chornobyl
Подробнее- Порода: Английский мастиф
- Самец/Самка: Самец, Самка
- Возраст: 0 Месяцев 26 дн.
have a male and female Maltipoo puppies to offer.they are well trained and very sociable. They have been vet checked, dewrmed and current on their shots. They will make a very good family addition and will fill your f
Украина, Chornobyl
Подробнее- Порода: Английский мастиф
- Самец/Самка: Самец, Самка
- Возраст: 0 Месяцев 26 дн.
have a male and female Maltipoo puppies to offer.they are well trained and very sociable. They have been vet checked, dewrmed and current on their shots. They will make a very good family addition and will fill your f
Украина, Chornobyl
Подробнее- Порода: Английский мастиф
- Самец/Самка: Самец, Самка
- Возраст: 0 Месяцев 26 дн.
have a male and female Maltipoo puppies to offer.they are well trained and very sociable. They have been vet checked, dewrmed and current on their shots. They will make a very good family addition and will fill your f
Украина, Chornobyl
Подробнее- Порода: Английский мастиф
- Самец/Самка: Самец, Самка
- Возраст: 0 Месяцев 26 дн.
have a male and female Maltipoo puppies to offer.they are well trained and very sociable. They have been vet checked, dewrmed and current on their shots. They will make a very good family addition and will fill your f
Украина, Chornobyl
Подробнее- Порода: Английский мастиф
- Самец/Самка: Самец, Самка
- Возраст: 0 Месяцев 26 дн.
have a male and female Maltipoo puppies to offer.they are well trained and very sociable. They have been vet checked, dewrmed and current on their shots. They will make a very good family addition and will fill your f
Украина, Chornobyl