Пользователь: bengalcatsforsale

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- Имя: bengalcatsforsale
- Дата регистрации: 2023-01-21
- Был на сайте: 2023-01-21
- Адрес: Las Vegas, NV, USA, la be
perm_phone_msg Контакты
- +61372733263
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- <a href="https://standardexotics.com/">Bengal cats for sale</a>, A well-liked domestic cat breed that are renowned for both their remarkable appearance and their vivacious, lively demeanour. A domestic cat and an Asian leopard cat were crossed to generate this hybrid breed. Bengal cats are frequently compared to miniature leopards or ocelots because of their sleek and lustrous coat, which is typically speckled or marbling. They are reputed to be sharp and inquisitive felines who enjoy socialising with their human relatives. Although they normally get along with kids and other animals well, they can be more needy than some other breeds. To make sure the Bengal cat breed is a good fit for your lifestyle, it is crucial to conduct extensive breed study if you are thinking about getting one.

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- Порода: Бенгальская
- Самец/Самка: Самец, Самка
- Возраст: 3 Лет 1 Месяцев
Бенгальских кошек часто сравнивают с миниатюрными леопардами или оцелотами из-за их гладкой и блестящей шерсти, обычно пятнистой или мраморной.